Wednesday, June 8, 2011

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  • chantu
    07-11 11:44 AM
    I have one question?

    I have case id for ETA form. I could see my details by downloading MDB file from flcdatacenter. How can I know whether I am EB2 or EB3? I do not want to ask my employer.

    Can somebody please answer?

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  • anilsal
    03-05 06:13 PM
    I got LUD for 2/05. Fingerprints done in Feb. After that no change.

    I am just one of those select few who got FP notices.

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  • sreeanne
    03-13 05:30 PM
    I filed AP on Jan 4th 2008 and today i saw soft LUD on that and no update status. Seems that some of other members also got soft LUDs on APs today. Dont know what that means? Looks like it take 3-4more months to get AP.

    emo love wallpaper backgrounds. Emo Love Wallpaper
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  • vinabath
    07-20 03:46 PM
    Preparing for future is one thing but if you think that this is a valuable thread then go with it and enjoy, i just find it disheartening that people are trying to undermine whatever has been achieved by such threads (Like i said, he might be completely right but is there a need to tell it this way) and what are you going to prepare for the future ;) Do you know it ? (If you do, please keep it to yourself and enjoy or cry about it). Right now, i want to be positive and enjoy the fruits of what IV has done to get some relief, why use negative logic to undermine it and that is what i am saying. Leave us alone, who like IV and who want to have a moment's respite. Chill out dude, no offence meant and this my only response, will not reply if you attack me, so cool off.

    He is 100% right. Unless USCIS hire people, our EADs and APs will get delayed. People like me have travel plans in Jan. I do not want to go for Visa stamping. I am concerned.


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  • IN2US
    07-06 03:26 PM
    you mean 60k

    I meant janitors approving 485 applications

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  • chanduv23
    05-15 10:58 AM
    When the USCIS is doing mistake, we need to ask for fee waiver. If they are nog giving, we should not hesitate to take them to court and make them pay for it. Even one time if we can succeed it will make all the difference.

    Ok - any ideas how we can ask? What fee waiver are we asking for?

    We need to understand if there is a system in place for fee waiver?

    To get any favourable thing like getting fee back and such things, first thing is that they have to officially accept that they are doing this and that is the most difficult part. You cannot get them to talk so easily.

    Breaking the law is not acceptable - it can be from all sides, but when you deal with govt agency - it is not easy - there is a lot of beurocracy associated and it is not that easy as we all think it is.

    I understand the frustration among the community - but we must all collective channelize our frustratons into something constructive, positive and effective.

    thats why we need innovative ideas to deal with this.

    Come on EB2, EB3 - US MAsters, US Phds, EB1s , scientists, doctors, engineers, consultants, and all those ivy leagures - can you use your IQ and brains to help wiith these issues? Please post some ideas here.


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  • langagadu
    03-04 12:02 PM
    ohh mamaaaaaaaaaa. Waiting for it.

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  • Libra
    09-10 10:51 AM
    thank you glen and chiragmodi for your contributions. on receipt tracking thread people even thinking(may be later) of sacrificing animals for receipts but not contributing. so sick.


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  • saiju
    07-21 11:38 PM
    How many of you called senators office.

    What is the reply you got from them?

    Please post the reply here

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  • man-woman-and-gc
    06-11 11:44 AM
    Guys, I have thrown out my ideas and you can take what suits you from it. As someone mentioned nothing is illegal in it. If you find something, please explain what and why.

    My conservative estimate was 100K people pulling 50K$ out..that would be 5 billions...if more comes out even better

    Fight for legislation?? Does anyone has any hopes on it still? You would get piecemeal concessions here and there..but the Indian EB immigration community as a whole gets nothing good out of it...2 year EAD, 5 yr EAD..just to wipe the tears...come on guys think out of the box.

    You argue it is not discrimination but it is law. I say the law is discriminatory and nobody wants to change it (remember the horses discussion instead of EB immigration discussion in senate), do you need any better example than this?

    Anyways, I leave it to your own judgement..and I am going ahead with my plans...I am not planning to leave the country anytime soon so I am not yet into the drastic measures I mentioned, but I sure have started the funds transfer to Indian banks, pulling out of mortgage application and moving out of US equities markets. Also, I am reducing the amount of money I pump into US economy which is currently 5K per month to ~3-3.5K per month. If it makes any difference I am making ~400K a yr from my job and other investments...

    I appreciate ur enthusiasm my friend...but just think about what you are pushing for....The immigrant community cannot send 5000 letters collectively, cannot get more than 100 people to donate every month...and u are hoping 100k people will walk the path u suggested in an IV post?? Lets not get too optimistic here...the reality is we are in a country that was started by immigrants, but is now self sufficient and now does not care about Immigration.....we can only wait and watch, may be try to rally behind some initiatives like CIR etc and make victory laps on reversal of a visa bulletin or 2 year EADs....But to get this immigration process fixed is a distant dream and will not happen unless Citizens feel the need of it or America goes back to the same stage where it cannot support itself without immigrants......we can hang on the to the last straw of hope, but the world goes by facts and not perception.

    My post might seem pessimistic..but I will call it realistic....those who want to go back home, please go..but leave ur details with IV so they can use it as an example in their fight....Those who stay....there is nothiong to lose in this please help IV or the immigration community in whatever way u can.

    Whatever u do..find a way to live your life..with or without GC.


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  • fairboy
    07-25 01:13 PM
    fairboy and friends,

    Could you please tell me how to check an ad on the AJE website? Can I check the ad for my case using my case number? My case is stuck in DBEC.

    Thanks for your help.

    Here is a bit of background. BEC's have been using a web site named 'America's Job Bank' (AJB) for posting job listings for cases that have not been converted to RIR. Effective 31st July AJB site is being discontinued and a new site named 'America's Job Exchange' (AJE) will become its successor. BECs have already started using this new site. Here is how to check if your job is posted or not:
    1. Go to
    2. In the keywords field, enter the first few characters of your ETA case number. If your case is in PBEC and has a ETA case number such as P-xxxxx-xxxxx, then you would enter either Pxx* or xxx*. Do not enter any hyphen character and do not forget the '*' character at the end.
    3. Choose 'National' radio button and click 'Search Now' button.
    4. You will find a bunch of listings under the company name 'Team Exceed'. This is probably the company to which BEC cases have been outsourced for adjudication.
    5. Play around with different combinations of letters of your ETA case number. You may also click on 'Team Exceed' link on the results page to see a complete list of jobs posted by BECs.

    Have fun


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  • kumarc123
    09-10 04:10 PM
    I agree 100% too. Just feel so helpless.

    After reading all your comments, I reached to a conclusion

    We all are being fooled and frusturated by USCIS.

    Now the question is, what are we going to do about it, keep complaining and whinning about it, or do something constructive.

    Well I believe when we are all so knowledgabel about USCIS efficiency, what do we do next?

    Well lets give out a big shout to something big, get some media attention and put pressure on USCIS. Unless we still choose to visit IV to express our frusturations and then logg of this webiste and continue to our daily cores.

    Lets just wake up for one more time, and do something big, phone calls, faxes does not give us a public exposure, what we need now is public exposure, I have have been saying this for a while but no one seems to give an important consideration. Right now media attantion is in DC, and we can use that in our own advantage.



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  • gcisadawg
    03-04 11:43 PM
    do have your 140 approved?

    Nope, still waiting for I-140. Opened a ticket with both local congressman and USCIS.
    CM replied saying "file is with manager for review".....whatever that means...

    Still waiting to hear from USCIS for SR.

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  • DDash
    07-20 02:38 PM
    I set it up for 50 USD reoccuring contributions.



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  • ilwaiting
    04-25 11:37 AM
    H1B believe it or not is a "dual intent visa". F1 is NOT a dual intent visa. So what that means is even tho a person entered USA on H1B(which is Nonimmigrant visa) he can have a dual intent to "adjust status" and become a permanent resident.

    So I would think it would very wise to be given a PD based on when a person started working on "H"

    Coming in through H1 does'nt show your intention of becoming a permanent resident of this country. It only happens when the LC is applied. Although the entry date is an ingenious way, it will only create more issues. Now some one who comes in F1 can also ask for the same benefit when they move to H1, to take their entry date in F1 as their priority date. I believe the culprits are the labor substitution and the labor certification sales. Those are unfair. Stop labor substitutions, and if they need one, then use the 140 RD as the PD. That should solve most of the problems and people from using labor sub to jump the line.

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  • saileshdude
    09-10 10:33 AM
    Yes. By Law and by the Book. But I just saw in my friend circle. Most of them were US Masters.

    I don't what how you define "most" but I am EB2 with US masters with PD 2006 and I am still waiting. Many of my friends with US masters are still waiting.


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  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 03:10 PM
    Just Contributed $5 using BofA bill pay.


    Please stick to $5. The idea is to shake out members who till date have made no contributions into making contributions.

    If we start contributing different amounts on this thread then this may dilute the impact of the idea.

    Actually I need to ammend for_gc's statement there a little bit.

    Please feel VERY FREE to contribute more than $5.00. :)

    However please LOG your contribution here ONLY if you have actually made a contribution over and above what you contribute monthly or via paypal or google checkout.

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 03:49 PM
    done both (contributed and updated signature)

    Nicely done. People please update your signatures. In case some people miss this active thread, they may see the "High Five" campaign in someone's signature.

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  • black_logs
    04-25 01:14 PM
    Guys let me clearify it. We cannot change our agenda at this point . It is not an option. We have done 1000's of hr discussions with QGA and so many meetings with various Senators and Congressmen to get our agenda finalized. Adding something new to our agenda is not an option. But this is a very healthy discussion going on here. Pleople can send personal comments and ideas to the lawmakers. This is surely a very good suggestion.

    . I agree. Also, since F1 is not a dual intent visa this will not hold water. Anyways this is a ridiculous demand. We are not the law makers and we should consider ourselves lucky that couple of IV's amendments are in a few of the senator�s bills, though there are no guarantees if they will be included in the final text or let alone be passed. We should only push for what is already include in the 2 bills and not confuse everyone every time one of us comes up with this "brilliant" idea of using H1B entry date as priority date. So what's the next amendment we want� include the day I first envisioned that I will come to America as the priority date. WE NEED ONE VOICE and we have already been heard so let�s stick to what is practical and push those amendments through.

    07-11 10:39 AM
    My heart jumps with joy, but my brain still caution the heart to wait for the official visa bulletin at DOS/USCIS website. USCIS has a trend of "correcting" the visa bulletin. Nevertheless, if the dates are really what they are published at Mumbai site, its a time for us to be happy.

    EB2 looks promising, but in this moment of joy lets not forget our friends in EB3 category. Anyone whose priority date is current, please don't just move forward with your joy, and continue to support IV and our initiatives to help legal immigrants. We have suffered so much because the folks who came prior to us never bothered to support legal immigration, once they got their their GC. Please remember that after GC/Citizenship, our status in this nation as a minority group depends on how active we are socially/politically.

    09-13 08:03 PM
    here is the java code in case anyone wants to generate for different states..
    each URL gets 100 mediaids..
    i tried creating the file and attaching it but for some reason upload failed everytime. not sure why. So here you go...

    public class GenerateClass {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 65; j++) {

    int startNum = j * 100;

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = startNum; i < startNum + 100 ; i++) {
    System.out.println("" + sb.toString());



    please email the file to media at with instructions how to implement/use it. This will be very useful.

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