Friday, June 17, 2011

vanessa paradis and johnny depp kissing

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  • Sultry: Vanessa in French

  • nlssubbu
    08-14 03:04 PM
    The following are the reason for Eb3 situation.
    Anyone who have 3 year or 4 year degree can apply. So Other country also there is a demand. So it is nearly impossible to get other country quota. For a few thousand green cards atleast 100k persons might have applied till 2008 in EB3. So there is not much chance for improvement. It may move a few months to 2 years in 2009.If some bill is passed then most persons will get relief. But still some chances for recapture bill in house. But the reaction at Senate to be seen. Next year they may give a best attempt for CIR so that Congressmen will get a chance to do overtime also for hot news in Media. As usual CIR is unpredictable at best.

    EB3 does not require a 4 year degree. It consists of people helping in cooking, full time baby sitters from third world countries, helpers in grocery stores, farm workers, nurses, etc as well. This is why the participation of EB3 folks here is very less and IV attracts only the technical work force. I would suggest a mass campaign to attract this crowd as well to IV for support. Even if they are brought, due to the low wage rate I do not think how much of contribution that will result for IV.

    This is my observation so far.

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  • pcs
    07-05 10:57 AM
    We need to have sticky & web fax on this issue

    vanessa paradis and johnny depp kissing. Johnny Depp sets sail on
  • Johnny Depp sets sail on

  • blackberry
    07-05 03:03 PM
    Sent email to GA senators.


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  • vanessa paradis johnny depp

  • newbee7
    07-05 12:16 PM
    We must try to aviod the I485/ EAD language though.


    vanessa paradis and johnny depp kissing. Vanessa Paradis, Johnny
  • Vanessa Paradis, Johnny

  • visves
    07-15 09:10 PM
    $50 from my end through BOA.

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  • vanessa paradis johnny depp

  • cooldude0807
    11-26 11:22 AM
    Which means that EAD is much safer than H1b. Then why are Attorneys insisting on the opposite (H1b against EAD?)

    If this is confirmed news, i will revisit my blog and make changes

    __________________________________________________ __
    I think they prefer for us to be on H1 rather than on EAD because its easy to travel in & out of the country if you are on H1. If you use EAD then one has to use travel doucments which technically is to be used in an emergency. This is just my opinion!!


    vanessa paradis and johnny depp kissing. “Johnny Depp and Angelina
  • “Johnny Depp and Angelina

  • ilwaiting
    04-25 12:42 PM
    I'm sure the language should be worked out by USCIS as to whats best and whats not. Perhaps the "continous residency rule in US" need to be enacted. If a person leaves the country for a certain amount of time when on H1B may be > 6 months or 1year would loose his PD.

    But atleast the proposal need to be before the rule makers

    This would technically mean that anyone anywhere in the world now, who has ever been to the US on a H visa, can apply for a GC based on the first touchdown date.


    2010 Johnny Depp sets sail on vanessa paradis and johnny depp kissing. So Johnny Depp doesn#39;t shower,
  • So Johnny Depp doesn#39;t shower,

  • yoda
    09-13 12:54 PM
    State coordinators and the team from states with a large immigrant population like the IL, MI, FL, GA, AZ.. Where art thou?

    Please remove some time to send the rally information to the important radio stations (Public Radio) and your state's/town's largest newspapers..

    We are on the final leg of our run folks, lets give it the final push!


    vanessa paradis and johnny depp kissing. Long-term girlfriend Vanessa
  • Long-term girlfriend Vanessa

  • maddipati1
    09-01 11:57 PM
    other options? u mean like Canada ?

    what life? do u have one? in Canada ? if u have, u wouldn't be on this US immi website posting stupid comments.

    sour grapes? feeling like jumped out too quick?

    feeling like NA GHAR KA NA GHAT KA ?


    EB3- I is finished pretty much. It is illogical now to expect GC even. Need to accept reality and look at other options in life.

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  • Mom Vanessa Paradis and Depp

    07-24 02:22 PM
    Visa number is differnt from A #- which is application number.
    Law allows only 140,000 EB visas per year, which are again subject to country quotas,EB categories etc
    Every 485 approval uses a Visa number.
    So for 485 approval there should be a visa number available.

    In last quarter of every year, USCIS can approve 485s irrespective of country limits inorder to use up all visa numbers.
    That is what happened in June/July and happening now- Inorder to exhaust remaning 60K visas for yr 2007, USCIS assigned a visa number to pending 485's before approving them.(Tons of approvals coming from NSC and TSC are for cases that had visa number preassigned before July 2nd Visa bulletein revision)


    vanessa paradis and johnny depp kissing. Johnny and Bikini-Clad Vanessa
  • Johnny and Bikini-Clad Vanessa

  • GKBest
    08-20 08:02 PM
    My wife's DL renewal is pending for more than 2 months...When we contacted DMV they said its pending clearance from DHS (homeland security) and it could take take 120+ days to get their approval.

    Has anybody encountered this recently?


    You can ask for a temporary license good for 90 days and re-apply again until you get the DMV card renewal.

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  • vanessa paradis and johnny

  • ArkBird
    09-04 05:09 PM
    You are 100% right but no one thought their Labor/GC pain will last THIS long. The most unfortunate/unlucky part in this whole journey was 245(i) amnesty in 2001. This is a tsunami which choked the labor pipe (Remember the good old days of Backlog Reduction Center and quest for that elusive screen shot from the BRC for case? :) ) & imbalanced the demand/supply equilibrium for EB3. This is the reason the variable of priority date became constant and stuck to 2001..

    I think there is more smartness needed than luck in the greencard process. If you look at the posts in this thread there are some people that came to USA in 1990s and still waiting, while some that came much later are on their way to citizenship. Some got the EB2 route and are happy and some in EB3 have only gloom before them.

    This in my opinion has helped smart folks among us:

    - They applied for GC as soon as possible. Those who waited did not give importance to Greencard as soon as they started a job in USA are now paying for their mistakes. During the initial days of career I have seen people saying that GC is not important to them etc but when their H1B is about to expire they panic and get desperate for Green Card.

    - Before pre-PERM era in 2005, smart folks took up jobs in states where labor certification had no backlog. They are now either waiting for citizenship or already citizens. On the other hand people in states like CA, NY etc suffered due to labor backlogs and far from getting greencard in hand.

    - Any company can be good or bad for an individual. It it not a question of consulting vs fortune 500 or small vs big size of a company. Smart folks know what matters them the most when they join a company. When company sees them as a valuable asset, it applies for them. I have seen where company applied for GC as soon as the employee joined it. And I have seen posts where people had to wait for several years before company applied.

    - People who took advantage of the Labor substitution got faster labors. Some could take advantage of EB2 labors and they are very fortunate. This is in no way endorsing the labor substitution rule, but in pre 2007 times nobody was protesting against it. This is a sad reality.

    - Smart folks took the risk and changed jobs wth EB2 job requirements, so that they can file in EB2. Such folks with 2007 PD are happy today and people with 2003 PDs in EB3 will have to wait for a long time.

    - If you read posts on this thread, many people have posted that they feel they are being screwed by their employer or lawyer. But hardly anyone has said they took any action against it. This is also a sad reality where we as a community have failed and will continue to suffer.

    - Many folks have said that they thought they were in EB2. But found they are in EB3. This shows another weakness of our community and lack of awareness. IV forum tries to spread the awareness but unless an individual takes initiative, they will suffer.

    Many people were able to file I485 in July 2007 due to IV effort. Imagine a 2004 EB3 India person without EAD today? How will he survive a job loss on H1B in a bad economy? We should take a lesson from that event and try for another big push. There is no other shortcut for us. It is shocking to find people on this thread that are in this country for more than 10 years and without a green card. These folks should be the most vocal folks in this effort.



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  • vanessa paradis johnny depp

  • mirage
    03-31 04:17 PM
    I think we are getting into an unnecessary discussion. My objective of this thread was to point out to our members that when we are discussing about immigration issues in the media we should also expose the mismanagement of the USCIS. They should not get away just by saying we were not prepared for this....

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  • Vanessa Paradis stars in the

  • GC_1200
    09-10 04:55 PM
    Contributed $100 via Google checkout.


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  • vanessa paradis and johnny depp kiss. Johnny Depp has served up

  • Keeme
    08-14 05:50 PM
    What are you talking about?
    For EB3, DOS had predicted that in the Oct. 2008 VB, dates would be reinstated to the June 2008 (not June 2007) VB dates. This means that if that is still going to be true, Oct. 2008 VB dates would be Nov 2001. Where do you get June 2003 as the EB3 VB dates?

    Am I missing something here? But if your prediction is true, I will buy you dinner!!!
    """The Mexico F2A and Employment Third preference cut-off dates are “unavailable” for both August and September, since those FY-2008 annual limits have been reached. The Visa Office had originally anticipated that this would be a temporary situation. Then with the start of the new fiscal year in October the cut-off dates would have returned to those which had applied during June. However, continued heavy demand in those categories may require the establishment of cut-off dates which are earlier than those which had applied in June. A formal decision determination of the October cut-off dates will not be possible until early September. """

    Let's understand it ! I'm sure you are aware about July 2007 Visa Bulletin fiasco. It made every category "C". Before that in June 2007 bulletin - they moved dates for EB3 & EB2 singnificantly. For EB3 India - it moved from May 2001 to Jun 2003 - People who filed their AOS are 'June' applicants and People who filed because of July 2007 bulletin are 'July/Aug' applicants

    DOS refering to these June applicants means having PD earlier than Jun 2003. I hope its clear to you.

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  • Johnny Depp

  • Libra
    09-13 08:39 PM
    Milind you rock......thanks for efforts.


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  • Bharam
    03-27 03:05 PM
    Still waiting for 45 day letter

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  • vanessa paradis and johnny

  • webm
    04-30 10:48 AM

    Let's hope for the best decision!!

    EB3-I PD Oct,01,2001
    485 RD-June,2007 (TSC)

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  • GayatriS
    01-05 08:06 PM
    I have been confused by some of the things Professor Wadhwa says -- being opposed to H1 visas and saying there are no shortages of engineers. I saw this video on Youtube which explained everything to me. He is acting like a true American -- like we should once we become citizens. He is advising America on how they can stay competetive -- like all of us want for this great country. But he is also saying that the real solution is for America to welcome immigrants as permanent residents rather than on temporary visas.

    Now I understand his message -- if you want to bring in the best from all over the world, bring them here on green cards -- not H1 visas. I also read one of his interviews where he said he was concerned about how H1 workers were taken advantage of and how they lived in immigration limbo. He really does care about doing what is right for all of us.

    I totally totally agree with Professor Sahib! I wish the government listens to him. What he is saying is good for everyone. As Indians we want America to succeed and prosper and we want to be a big part of the reason they prosper.

    Please see this and give it a good review --


    07-05 03:30 PM
    My case was wrongly put in the TR catagory for 2 years despite my efforts to get the Phili center to correct it. It was finally put into RIR in April 2007 while other cases are being approved with later PDs...... Maybe I shall wait 3 more months since they promissed to have it done this September????!!!!

    PBEC, PD July 2003, EB3, RIR, NY

    03-16 10:20 AM
    I just called ....
    They said they r trying to fix it...

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